Micah’s collaboration of churches cares for the whole person. The most basic needs are tended through a hospitality center, co-location of community resources, a winter shelter, and community meals hosted by our churches. In addition, we operate a Respite House for homeless individuals leaving the hospital in need of a safe place to recover or die with dignity. These spaces are often conduits to the relationships necessary for engaging unhoused neighbors in longer-term stabilization with housing, health care, and income. Whether living on the street or settling into a house and home, Micah also strives to be a new source of relationships. Our Street Church is one such place that current and formerly homeless neighbors find belonging and community.
Where we begin to understand homelessness drives what questions we ask and the responses that we pursue. It is our belief that:
People become homeless not when they run out of money; people become homeless when they run out of relationships.
Therefore, the nature of our work and ministry is to be the relationships people need to overcome their homelessness and to help our neighbors form new connections, pursue their gifts and claim their place as vital parts of our community.
Are you interested in joining the community of volunteers that supports these ministries? Visit our volunteer page to get connected.