Bob has been volunteering at Micah’s journey office in the Hospitality Center once a week for about 6 years. Here is what he has to say:
“About one year ago, I became a Servant Leader Coordinator through Micah’s 3e restoration process. The person I befriended lives in Micah housing and requires a lot of support. He is 20 years old, has kidney failure, which requires him to go to dialysis three times a week. I volunteered to help him as a friend primarily on Tuesday afternoons, following my volunteer hours at the Micah Hospitality Center. This time with him is sometimes challenging, fun and fulfilling. A couple of weeks ago I took him to the Hume-Lee Kidney Transplant Center at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond for a complete physical evaluation. This pertains to the possibility of his having a kidney transplant sometime in the future. Results from this evaluation are not complete yet. I don’t know how this possible transplant situation will turn out, but I plan on being with him each step of the way. Besides me, he will have to have a multitude of other friends to support him through his post transplant period.
There are many good people at Micah, both full time staff and volunteers. One of the things I like about Micah is that it is ecumenical, with many different churches/people involved in every activity. This includes getting homeless people into housing, which is life changing for them.”