For the last year, Micah has partnered with Stafford food security to provide food bags to kids in city schools. Our churches have been packing about 160 bags a month for the kids at Walker Grant and Lafayette. Recently, an additional need of 50 bags a week was identified at Hugh Mercer’s. The existing churches have upped their numbers a little bit to help with this need, but it would be extraordinarily helpful if additonal churches and resources could be identified churches to support the rotation of bag preparation.
The Need
• Church commitment to one or two months of bag packing.They can be packed easily on a Sunday after church (or on a convenient day/time of your choosing). Food is purchased and provided by Stafford Food Security. Volunteers just have to show up and pack the bags. It takes about an hour and a half.
• Bags are stored at the Presbyterian church and volunteers for your month would come once a week and deliver a weekly allotment to the schools
• A financial commitment: Covering Hugh Mercer’s need for the rest of the school year) will cost about $12,000 (roughly $400 a week/ $1680 a month). The more churches that participate, the lower the cost for everyone
Please consider giving toward this effort or recruiting your church to help with labor and cost. If this is something that your congregation is interested in, please email [email protected] and we will put you in touch with the right people.