The care provided from 1013 Princess Anne St. is one way Micah’s collaboration of churches loves neighbor. This year, 794 neighbors were welcomed for food, clothing, showers, connection to community resources and help overcoming homelessness.
Fredericksburg’s downtown churches began their journey toward the vision for Micah Ecumenical Ministries almost 18 years ago. We’ve now been at this as many years as there are miles to the treacherous Jericho Road of the Good Samaritan story. Along the way, encounters with our neighbors’ suffering have taught us much about the home God envisions for humanity, and how we are called to take part.

Christian Kinsella, 21, left this life Dec. 7, 2022. He grew up in Spotsylvania, had three sisters and two brothers. He was a strong young man who endured hardship with a happy go lucky disposition. As a child, he liked to draw–specifically countries and places around the world. At eight, he was studying geography and teaching himself Chinese. Recently, he was trying to learn French. Even as a child Christian never hesitated to tell it how it was. The Micah community never wondered what he was thinking or what he thought of someone. Christian was fearless and creative in his travels around the state. He liked to walk long distances and find remore paths where he could clear his head. While petite in stature, his charm and charisma cast a giant shadow. He both smiled and cried with his eyes. He was quick with a laugh. He called everyone “friend.”
The Micah Community will host a memorial for Christian on Monday, Dec. 19 at 2:30pm at City Dock. All are Welcome.